This episode opens with Claudia giving us a run-down of what has happened previously.
Amongst other things, she mentions that they have chosen their first victim, Aisha, and that the faithful’s have banished their first player, Nicky.
Last night the traitors murdered their second victim. This morning, only the surviving players will make it to breakfast.
Alyssa and Theo are the first ones in.
Alyssa says to camera that this is her time to shine and her time to act.
Sitting at the breakfast table with Theo, she says she genuinely has no idea about who would be murdered last night.
John is next, he says that he didn’t sleep last night and that the traitors are laughing at them.
Theo says that he thinks the only person that got it right last night was Aaron.
Next in is Andrea, Maddie, Will and Tom. That’s followed by Meryll and Matt.
Imran, Rayan and Amanda are next.
Theo thinks that Imran is a bit shady and that he’s a traitor.
The group notice that Aaron has arrived yet. Matt says that he’s having issues in his own head because of it.
However, he walks through the door next with Hannah. He says he has his clothes all in piles waiting to go as he expects to be murdered very soon.
Ivan and Fay are the next two to enter the breakfast room. Ivan has a huge grin on his face.
The group then realise that Alex and Claire are the only two that haven’t arrived yet so it will be one of them.

Credit: BBC
Tom is looking worried. He says he struggles to hide his nerves and was checking the door every half a second.
Matt says he’s torn. Does he go with the mum figure who’s amazing or the girl that you think could potentially be your future wife.
Finally, Alex walks through the door which means that the traitors murdered Claire last night.
Cut to last night and the traitors in the castle.
Amanda says that everyone gravitates to this person, she’s leading with ideas and that people aren’t going to expect her to go.

Claire says she would rather have everyone put her name up at the round table than this because this is back-handed and a back-stab. They’ve taken her experience away from her.
Theo is visibly upset and is crying with his head in his hands.
Matt says in front of the group that whoever has done that is an asshole and he’s now pissed.
Will is rubbing his brow, feeling guilty. He says to camera that it was hard, but he came here to befriend and betray and he felt it was the right time.
He starts to cry and Andrea comforts him, not realising he’s a traitor.
Maddy says quietly to Paul that she knows who it is now and that he just started crying…
She is 100% convinced that it’s Will and Aaron.
Claudia walks in to inform the group of another mission. She asks the group if they like funfairs to which everyone says yes apart from Amanda.
Claudia says everyone bar Amanda will have a good day and that she’ll see them at the funfair.
Everyone breaks up and goes their separate ways.
In the snooker room, we see Tom, Amanda, Maddy, Alyssa and Rayan. Rayan is wondering if the traitors are men as they’ve seen two strong female characters leave.
Maddy says she thinks that the traitors would know Nicky is faithful so they would vote for Imran so that they looked like a good guy. And Will said he’s close to Claire and then Claire gets murdered.
Alyssa tries to deflect by saying that Aaron has similar characteristics to Ted Bundy in that he’s charismatic and good-looking. This is to try and get Maddy to stop pointing the finger at Will.
However, Maddy says that Will is exactly the same.
Maddy then says to camera that she really trusts that bunch. Oh dear…..
In the library, are Ivan, Aaron, Hannah, Imran, Meryll, Will, and Paul.
Paul says to Imran that he has a grievance with him that he wants to clear up. He talks about when they did the first task and Imran’s comments about being a disadvantaged team.
Imran responds by saying he remembers saying that their team were disadvantaged because the green team had younger people on it.
Paul asks if it was an off-the-cuff comment because it did hurt his feelings.
Imran says if anyone’s feeling were hurt by that, he’d like to apologise.
As the group are driven towards the funfair in their jeeps, Claudia voices over and tells us that the players are heading off to the third mission of the game.
This is a chance for both traitors and faithful’s to work together and add more money to the prize pot.
Mission Three

As the group arrive at mission, Claudia informs them that this is their chance to add another £10,000 to the prize fund.
There is a tombola, and she will pick five names at random out of it.
The five people she picks will ride the “Wheel of Fun”

Claudia will be asking the remaining people on the ground, questions about those that are riding the wheel. The same question will be asked to those riding the wheel.
For every answer that matches, £100 goes in the pot. If they manage to stay on the wheel for the full 10 minutes, she will give them a bonus of £2,500.
The Wheel will be played twice so no-one should relax.
Claudia starts the tombola. The first person to be picked is Theo.

John is the second person, then Fay, then Will, and finally Matt.

First question is “Who is most likely to be a faithful?” The group collectively decide that John is most likely.
John answers John, Fay answers John and Will answers John. Unfortunately, Theo says Theo and Matt says, “I just put my own name!” and answers Matt.
The group won £300 that round.
Next question “Who would you most like to be on a desert island with?”
The group decide on Theo. John answers Theo, Fay answers John, Will answers John, Matt answers Theo, and Theo answers Theo.
Another £300.
Next question “Who is the most likely to flirt their way to the final?”
The group choose Matt.
Theo answers Matt, John answers Matt, Fay answers Matt, Will answers Matt, Matt answers Matt.
Matt says to camera that his gameplan wasn’t to flirt but he fancies Alex like mad.
The next question is “Who is the most Ruthless?”
The group decides on Fay. Matt, John and Theo say Fay, Will says Theo and Fay says Will.
Another £300
Fay says to camera that she doesn’t want them to think she’s ruthless as being ruthless is a traitor characteristic.
Next question “Who is the most two-faced?”
The group go with Fay again. Everyone on the Wheel says Fay so £500 goes into the prize fund.
Claudia says that as they endured the Wheel for the entire ride, they’ll get an extra £2,500 bringing the total from that round to £4,400.
And now for the second round.
Claudia goes back to the tombola and picks out Andrea, Maddy, Rayan, Alex and Meryll.
Meryll is very excited; she says it’s the first time she’s ever been on a roller-coaster. Because she has achondroplasia (short stature), she never fits the height criteria necessary.

Once the picked participants are on the wheel, Claudia asks the first question “Who is most likely to google themselves?”
The group decides on Alex. Everyone on the wheel also says Alex so £500 is added to the prize fund.
“Who is the most gullible?”
The group go for Maddy. Everyone on the wheel votes for Maddy too. Another £500.
Maddy says to camera that she thinks that everyone perceives her as someone quite dipsy but she likes to think she’s cleverer that than. Then asks if cleverer is even a word.
“Who is the most forgettable?”
The group choose Rayan.
Andrea and Meryll also choose Rayan. Alex chooses Meryll, Maddy chooses herself and Rayan chooses himself.
£300 added to the prize fund.
“Who has the most influence?”
The group decide Andrea.
Rayan, Meryll, Alex vote for Andrea.
Andrea votes for Alex and Maddy votes for Meryll.
Another £300.
Final question “Who is the most deserving to win the prize?”
The group choose Meryll.
Rayan and Alex choose Andrea, Andrea, Maddy and Meryll choose Meryll.
Another £300.
That’s the end. Claudia says that everyone should be incredibly proud. In round 2 they made £4,300 so the total for today is £8,700.

Back at the castle, the group separate into groups once more. In the snooker room we see Alanda, Matt, Wilfred and John.
John asks to be reminded of what he was voted for.
Amanda says it was the most faithful.
Ivan asks Will if he’s a faithful to which Wilfred replies “100%. I haven’t got it in me to be a traitor”.
Ivan then asks Amanda the same question and she replies “100%” too. Ivan gives her a strange look but says nothing.
John then mentions to Will that Maddy suspected him this morning. Will looks worried.
Later in the breakfast room, we see Aaron, Andrea and John. John is giving Andrea a neck massage as he is a trained message therapist.
Aaron starts asking a lot of questions, “how long did you train”, “did you have to pay for it”, “how long have you been doing it” etc.
He says to camera that he’s genuinely interested in people and always asks too many questions.
When he leaves, John feels like he was being grilled.
Tom enters the room.
They begin to look at the portraits on the wall. John says that 100% he doesn’t think that Amanda is a traitor. He then asks “Alex?”
Tom replies “No, 100%, she’s too lovely”. He also doesn’t think Alyssa is a traitor either.
They all agree that Will was acting strangely this morning and it’s totally possible that he’s one.
The Second Banishment
As the sun sets, the group head towards the round table for the second banishment.
Once they are all seated, Claudia enters and informs them that the current total prize fund stands at £31,700.
Maddy begins the discussion. She feels like yesterday everyone went with their gut and they all got it massively wrong so today she’s been looking for signs.
Therefore, she’s going to vote for Aaron because he voted for Imran when everyone else voted for Nicky.
Aaron responds by saying he wasn’t the only one.
Will says to camera that Maddy’s theories are ridiculous but that she’s right about him.
Theo says he’s going with the person he had in mind last night and if he’s done that in the first place, Claire might still be here.
He believes that because he called Imran out, and Imran knew Theo and Claire had a connection, he murdered her to get at him.

Everyone starts to pick and find faults in Imrans behaviour.
Alyssa starts pointing the finger at Aaron claiming that Nicky and Claire were part of his group so maybe he’s deflecting by murdering them.
Aaron says to camera that he doesn’t know where all this is coming from. No-one had said anything to him previously and he thought he was on quite a good level with some of them.
John brings up being grilled when he was giving Andrea a massage.
Aaron says that he gets curious, that’s all and is he not allowed ask questions?
The time for discussion is now up. Claudia instructs the group to write down who they believe is a traitor.
Aaron is looking very nervous.
Alyssa starts. She has voted Aaron.
Aaron is silently crying.
John votes Aaron.
Andrea votes Aaron.
Alex votes for Imran.
Aaron votes for Imran.
Amanda votes for Imran.
Aaron is still very anxious and crying.
Imran votes Theo.
Meryll votes Imran.
Will votes for Aaron.

It’s at this point that Aaron asks to take a break and gets up from the round table and leaves the room.
He starts to hyperventilate, and the producers come over to him and tell him that it’ll be fine and that he needs to take a breath in. He comes back a few minutes later and apologies to everyone.

The voting continues and Hannah votes for Imran.
Rayan votes for Aaron.
Matt votes for Imran.
Fay votes for Imran.
Ivan votes for Imran.
Theo votes for Imran.
Tom votes for Imran.
Maddy votes for Aaron.
With the most votes, Imran has been banished.

After the banishment, everyone makes their way out of the room and heads towards the bar.
Aaron says “that’s the weirdest feeling I’ve had in my life.”
Maddy thinks Aaron cried because Will voted for him and they’re traitors together.
John agrees and says that he thinks exactly the same. Aaron was bawling and crying like he’d lost his mum regarding Claire.
Hannah thinks that Aaron looked innocent then.
John says “it’s a game, come on!”
Aaron asks everyone, through tears, why no-one said anything to him beforehand.
John gets aggressive and says that Aaron is treating this game like a lad’s holiday and that he’s entitled to his opinion.
Aaron can’t understand why John is raising his voice.
John says it’s because Aaron is talking through him, and he finds it disrespectful.
He asks why Aaron left the room.
Aaron says he doesn’t know where those emotions came from, he just felt attacked by everyone at the table.
John shouts “it’s a game and everyone is going to get attacked!”
Aaron asks John not to shout at him.
Aaron says to camera that he thinks John is quite a nasty person.
In the library, Ivan, Will, Rayan and Matt are having a conversation.
Ivan says that no-one is good at this game as no-one has found a single traitor. Other than the traitors who are doing great.
Maddy is in the hallway with Tom. She whispers to him that it’s Will.
Tom asks her why he would vote for Aaron if that’s the case.
They discuss Hannah too and promise to keep Will in their minds.
Maddy says to camera that she thinks she’s solved it. Will votes Aaron, so Aaron has a panic attack and leaves.
So there must be two traitors and one of them has just back-stabbed the other one.
Back in the snooker room, John points out to Will that he’s very emotional. He says he was emotional this morning and he’s emotional this evening.
The clock strikes midnight, and everyone leaves.
Traitors Tower
It’s time for Alyssa, Amanda and Will to return to the tower. However, tonight Claudia has a surprise for the traitors.
The traitors are standing in the tower discussing Maddy when Claudia knocks and enters the room.
She informs them that they may choose three players, including themselves, to be put on trial. They will observe them all day tomorrow and at the end of the day, they will murder one of them.
She will announce the three players that are on trial at breakfast tomorrow.
Continue HERE for Episode 4.